Houston wine cellars

Space Constraints Did Not Stop an Expert from Building a Stylish Home Wine Cellar in Texas
It’s not impossible to build a beautiful and functional display of your favorite wines in a limited space. In many parts of the world, converting tiny spaces is a trend among homeowners. Learn how one of the trusted wine room builders in Texas converted a small room into a stunning home wine cellar. A Sophisticated and Functional Texas Ho...
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Wine Cellar Design Houston Texas with Kessick Wine Racks
KED stands for Kessick Estate Design, a set of wine rack modular designs created by the people behind Wine Cellar Specialists. This is a four-group pre-designed wine rack that allows the client to choose the width and wine rack options such as diamond bins, wine glass holders, magnum bottle slots, LED lighting, ...
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Custom Wine Cellars in Texas & Proper Wine Storage Essentials
Wines are a few of the many beverages that require specific conditions in order to preserve their quality. Hundreds of years ago, people stored wines in caves and in underground cellars because wines need a cold, dark and humid atmosphere in which to age properly. Today, caves and underground cellars are no longer very common. Wine ...
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Oak Barrel Custom Wine Racks for Houston Wine Cellars
Wine barrels are big, round containers used in fermenting and aging wine. Vineyards place the wines here to enhance the flavor of the grapes before the wine is bottled, labeled, and shipped to distributors. They are usually reused over a number of years until they can no longer hold wine. Since these barrels are made of fine wood that is...
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